Telehealth is growing in use, acceptance among Americans, according to the survey

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A new online survey shows that many Americans have used telehealth and would resort to it for mental health care.

Conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) from March 26 to April 5, the survey found that 38% had used telehealth to consult with a health professional, up from 31% last fall. .

In all, 82% have used it since the start of the pandemic, according to the survey. Most inquiries were made by video (69%). Thirty-eight percent of respondents said they had only used phone calls.

“The rapid focus on providing telecare services at the onset of the pandemic was vital in providing continued access to care, and this survey shows the potential potential role of telehealth in the future,” said the president of the pandemic. ‘APA, Dr. Vivian Pender.

“Telepsychiatry helps especially those who face barriers such as lack of transportation, inability to take time off for appointments, or “, he added in an APA press release.

The survey showed that confidence in telehealth is growing.

Respondents were a little more likely this year than before to say that telecare can provide the same quality care as face-to-face services (45% vs. 40%), and that they would use telecare for (59% vs. 49%).

In the new survey, 66% of young people aged 18 to 29 said they would, compared to 36% of older people.

Similar percentages (between 58% and 61% each) of black, Hispanic, and white respondents said they would use telehealth for .

Overall, approximately 43% of respondents said they want to continue using it when the pandemic is over and 34% said they would prefer it to an office visit, 31% more than in 2020. Acceptance was higher among young people aged 18 to 44, with 45% .

The survey also showed that 57% of would consider using a helpline or online chat when struggling with personal difficulties and mental anxiety, and 7% said they had already done so. Only 21% would not consider it.

The online survey has a margin of error of about 3.1 percentage points.

Telehealth use is remarkably used among Parkinson’s patients

More information:
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has more information telesalut.

© 2021 HealthDay. All rights reserved.

Citation: Telehealth is growing in use, acceptance among Americans, according to the survey (2021, May 31), retrieved May 31, 2021 at americans-poll.html

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